Sun Senior News

Sun Senior News – Lincoln Hills – Classified Ads

Classified Ad information for the Lincoln Hills Sun Senior News


Business Ads are 15 words for $35 for one month. Additional words $1 each. ($90 for three months for the same classified ad.)

Business Ads include anything of a commercial nature or service, including pet sitting, real estate, rentals, timeshare/condos, any service etc;

(Non-business classifieds items include selling personal used items such as furniture, tools, books, rugs, electronics, personal car, golf cart, etc.

Non-business Classified Ad are FREE for residents of SCLH and are limited to 15 words or less.)

If your classified ad is determined to be “business” related, we will email you an invoice that will allow you to pay immediately with a credit card, or mail a check.

WHEN: Please email your classified ad by the 12th of the month (May 12th for the June issue, for example)

HOW: Email your classified, with the required info below to:

Your email should have the following information:
Subject Line should be the name of paper and phone number. (Example: Lincoln Hills Sun Senior News 916-987-6543)
1. Contact name and phone number
2. Which paper or papers to place the Classified Ad in
3. How many months to run the Ad
4. Which category (Service, For Sale, Wanted, Announcement)
5. Classified ad text, including the phone number you want readers to call.
After we receive your email, we’ll email an invoice that you’ll be able to pay upon receipt.

*HINT on Word Counts: A “word” is anything separated by spaces, or as reported by word-process software like Microsoft Word.
If you have any questions, please email us at: